RES is offered to matriculate / Intermediate students who wanted to complete their course of choice on Assignment System (AS) either at their own convenience, schedule and pace.
Skill Development Education Council Punjab Issued the Certificates and Diplomas
Deposit fee in Bank
Title Of Acc : Muhammad Amin Tahir(Chairman NIMLS)
AC NUMBER: 0625084221001797
Bank Name: Muslim Commercial Bank Sahiwal
Branch Code : 0539
For International Candidate send Money Through Western Union or Express Money, or other Money transfer facilities. Such As Easy Paisa, Mobi Cash, U Paisa etc....
by the name of
Mubashar Amin .
ID # 36502-1335058-3
Contact # 0321-6909518
Send following documents through courier @ our Head Office Address:
National Institute of Modern Laguages & Sciences,
Central Plaza , High Street, Sahiwal.
a) Educational Documents
b) Experience Letter
c) Two National Identity Cards Copy
c) Two Photograph
d) Bank deposit slip in original and make a photocopy for your record
To get admission fill our online admission form and send your documents by scan in our E-mail: and see the procedure for submit fee.
you can also get the diploma on your experience. To know the procedure of experience base direct award diploma visit our page Experience Base Certification
To Get Admission, apply On-line now